Our Expertise is Your Health
We collaborate and strategize how to expedite you from sickness to wellness or how to optimize any state of health you may find yourself in. We become partners working together to investigate the root cause of symptoms or illness, tailor interventions to meet your unique needs, and have ongoing communication through the peaks and valleys along the way.

Health Consultations
Deep Dive private functional medicine consultations include:
- historical review of medical records
- in-depth medical and lifestyle history
- comprehensive and personalized treatment plans
Available at hourly rates or discounted packages.

Concierge Service
Offered to a limited number of people who want to take charge of their health and are seeking personalized guidance each step of the way. It is best suited for those who want close monitoring and ongoing communication or for those with chronic or complex health conditions that require more frequent check-ins. This includes:
- monthly meetings
- phone/messaging access in between appointments
- discounts off supplements and other services
- access to course content

Educational Courses
Access to educational courses, guides, and protocols on a variety of health topics to help you:
- become your own best doctor
- go at your own pace
- watch in the comfort of your own home
Contact Heidi today to learn more about starting these courses.
Identifying the Root Cause of Illness
Our goal is to look upstream to identify the root cause of your symptoms, illness, or imbalance. This often requires some medical detective work to investigate the contributing factors that are creating dis-ease or preventing the body from healing.

Mold & Biotoxin Illness & Environmental Exposures
Everything in our environment (air, water, food, soil, radiation, building materials, furniture, personal care products) influences the way our genes are expressed and can contribute to whether we stay healthy or get sick. We offer education and guidance to help you create a safe and healthy home environment, inside and out. One of our areas of specialty is providing a personalized and comprehensive approach to mold related illness and chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) from mold and other biotoxin exposures.
Common Symptoms Associated:
- Chronic fatigue
- Frequent recurrent infections
- Shortness of breath
- Sinus issues
- Vertigo/Dizziness
- cramps, tingling, tremors
- Light/sound sensitivity
- Body aches
- Poor word finding
- Difficulty thinking/ poor memory
- Poor body temperature regulation
- headaches

How do we break down and get rid of what we do not need? This is the art and science of detoxification. If our individual toxin buckets begin to overflow, that’s often when we develop symptoms or get sick. We evaluate and support each of the body’s detoxification pathways to ensure toxins are broken down and eliminated effectively. These include things such as synthetic and environmental chemicals, heavy metals, mycotoxins, other toxins/toxicants, even stored emotions and traumas. We evaluate how our environment interacts with our genes and our unique biochemistry to either promote health or disease. We find ways to support the body’s innate ability to detoxify, as well as strategically minimize exposures to things that impair healing.
Common Symptoms Associated:
- Body odor
- Inability to sweat
- Chemical or environmental sensitivities
- Poor appetite, food cravings
- Metallic taste in mouth
- Weight gain
- Difficulty losing weight
- Acne
- Brain fog
- Chronic fatigue
- Poor memory/concentration
- Rashes/histamine intolerance

Hormone Balance, Weight Loss, & Metabolic Health
We evaluate and optimize male and female hormone imbalances, thyroid imbalance, formulate personalized weight loss programs, and optimize cardiometabolic function (to support metabolic imbalances such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol).
Common Symptoms Associated:
- Weight gain
- Difficulty losing weight
- Blood sugar imbalances
- Thyroid disorders
- Heavy or irregular periods
- Hot flashes/night sweats
- Infertility
- low libido
- low testosterone
- Hypertension
- Fatty Liver
- Adrenal dysfunction

Digestive Health
The microbiome, often referred to as “our second brain” profoundly impacts whether we develop chronic illness or stay healthy. We investigate why the gut breaks down and how to fix it. We evaluate and address underlying triggers and conditions that disrupt digestive function (examples include excessive prolonged stress, being stuck in “fight or flight” mode, chronic infections of the digestive tract, chemical and environmental exposures that disrupt digestive function, food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, dysbiosis or microbial imbalance, intestinal permeability (aka “leaky gut”), sluggish bile flow or gallstones, acid reflux, fatty liver, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).
Common Symptoms Associated:
- Food sensitivities / allergies
- Intestinal permeability “leaky gut”
- Parasitic infections
- Heartburn/indigestion
- Bloating/gas
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Poor appetite
- Food cravings
- Gallstones
- Acne

Immune System Support
We evaluate the status of the immune system and why it may be shifting out of balance allowing things like inflammation, autoimmunity, or chronic infections to run rampant. We look at a myriad of factors such as genetics, nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, stress, adrenal function, trauma, inflammation/oxidative stress, total toxic burden, blood sugar regulation and other metabolic processes that affect immune health. We support various immune imbalances such as autoimmunity, immune deficiency, dysregulated immune responses, acute and chronic infections.
Common Symptoms Associated:
- Autoimmunity
- Weak or Impaired Immune function
- Chronic or frequent infections
- Histamine intolerance
- Mast cell activation syndrome
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic allergies
- Rashes/hives
- Poor or non-healing wounds
- Prolonged recovery from stress/infection
- Chronic inflammation
- Microbiome (gut) imbalance
- tion
- Bloating/gas
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Poor appetite
- Food cravings
- Gallstones
- Acne

Energy, Mitochondrial Support, Anti-Aging
Are the energy factories thriving or suffering? This is largely determined by the health of our mitochondria. We focus on personalized therapies that optimize mitochondrial function, energy production, speed up recovery from injury, and slow down the aging process to help you look and feel your best in every stage of life.
Common Symptoms Associated:
- Chronic fatigue
- Severe fatigue after activity/exercise
- Poor resilience to physical or emotional stress
- Easily overstimulated
- Cognitive decline
- Brain fog
- Poor focus/attention
- Poor memory/concentration
- Sluggishness
- Difficulty learning new information
- Mood swings
- Weakness
- frequent infections
- Histamine intolerance
- Mast cell activation syndrome
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic allergies
- Rashes/hives
- Poor or non-healing wounds
- Prolonged recovery from stress/infection
- Chronic inflammation
- Microbiome (gut) imbalance
- tion
- Bloating/gas
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Poor appetite
- Food cravings
- Gallstones
- Acne
Frequently asked questions.
We receive healthcare-related questions every day. We took the most common questions and answered them here. Remember this is not personalized healthcare advice, so let’s discuss them further during a 1:1 consultation or be sure to take these questions to your trusted and resourceful healthcare provider.
How do I fix my gut?
A good place to start is a 5R program:
Remove – Remove the things that harm proper digestive function and intestinal lining, such as overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, parasites, viruses, food allergies and sensitivities, inflammatory foods dyes and colorings, environmental chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, mycotoxins from mold. This may include an elimination diet, food allergy/sensitivity testing, stool test or therapies that help eradicate overgrowth of various microorganisms.
Replace – Add back the things needed for proper digestive function, such as hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes, short chain fatty acids, bile acids. All of these things may be compromised by the aging process, certain medications, stress, various diseases.
Reinoculate – Add back the beneficial bugs and their food sources that create a well-balanced microbiome (the ecosystem of microorganisms within the GI tract) that allow it to function optimally. The microbiome requires a diverse number of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacterial and lactobacillus species and beneficial yeast such as saccharomyces boulardii. Bacteria and yeast need to be maintained in proper balance and require high soluble fiber foods that good bugs like to eat called prebiotics.
Repair – In order for the GI tract to repair, it needs specific nutrients such as zinc, antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin E, fish oil and the amino acid called L-Glutamine.
Rebalance – Lifestyle and diet play the biggest role in maintaining long term gut health. Limit stress as much as possible, optimize sleep, adequate but not excessive exercise, low sugar high fiber diet. Additional things to reduce or eliminate long term: glyphosphate, gluten, mycotoxins, chronic use of NSAIDs, steroids, excessive alcohol.
How do I boost my immune system?
Optimize your microbiome because the vast majority of our immune function is actually made from our gut’s ecosystem, called the “microbiome.” Reduce toxic exposures whenever possible and support the body’s ability to eliminate and detoxify things that can compromise the immune system—heavy metals, synthetic and environmental chemicals, mycotoxins from mold, radiation etc. Finding ways to support each of the body’s detoxification pathways and continue a daily detox regimen helps to keep the body’s total toxic burden as low as possible and this plays a big role in sustaining optimal immune health. Address nutrient deficiencies, especially Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids fatty acid levels. Manage stress. Adrenal dysfunction and hormonal imbalance can wear down the immune system. Controlling inflammation and oxidative stress and chronic infections are also crucial.
What are symptoms of a "high toxic burden"?
Fatigue, headaches, migraines, brain fog, poor concentration, poor ability to tolerate caffeine or alcohol, chemical sensitivity, gallstones, elevated liver enzymes on lab work (ALT, AST, GGT), chronic inflammation, chronic rashes or allergic reactions, mood swings or irritability.
How do I lose weight?
Many people lose weight only to gain it back later. That is not the goal. Instead, we want to address the underlying reasons the body is holding onto fat. Therefore, weight loss becomes a beneficial side effect of good metabolic health. First, we must balance and optimize hormones, including the thyroid, adrenals, and sex hormones.
Next, we must get blood sugar and insulin levels stable and address underlying insulin resistance. When insulin levels spike in response to high blood sugar, it is very difficult for the body to burn fat effectively and instead it will enlarge fat cells and increase fat storage, which becomes an uphill battle if you are trying to lose weight. Optimizing the digestive system and the gut microbiome can improve weight loss because they regulate the body’s metabolism, nutrient uptake, energy production, inflammation, and waste elimination.
A big missing piece to weight loss is reducing the body’s toxic burden. The body transports many toxins/toxicants into fat tissue and they stay there for years or even decades unless they are strategically mobilized out of fat cells through various detoxification techniques. If you are trying to lose weight, a well formulated detoxification technique can greatly help those fat cells purge what’s inside. Much more than aerobic exercise, resistance training improves insulin resistance and fat loss, builds lean muscle and improves metabolic rate so you can burn more calories at rest to become a fat burning machine. Addressing additional things such as food sensitivities, fungal overgrowth, parasites, gut dysbiosis will also help your weight loss efforts.
How can I get more energy?
What is stealing all your energy? is it your hormones or lack thereof? blood sugar swings? an imbalanced microbiome? or bugs overgrowing like fungus and parasites? maybe detox pathways that cannot keep up? are you burning the candle at both ends? Is inflammation running rampant? or maybe all of the above? Are your mitochondria suffering?
These are the energy powerhouses inside our cells that take in nutrients and oxygen and turn it into ATP, or cellular energy. If they are suffering from any number of insults, then our ability to make energy is compromised. As you can see, solving the energy mystery is not straightforward. It requires a methodical approach to investigate the myriad of potential causes. However, you’d be surprised how energy can be restored once they are properly addressed.
How do I balance my hormones?
Hormone balancing requires optimal liver, gallbladder, and digestive function. Addressing proper detoxification of these organs will dramatically help balance hormones. Treating intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” will reduce the toxic burden on the liver and gallbladder and also improve the excretion of inflammatory estrogens which can lead to a syndrome called “estrogen dominance” and estrogen related cancers in both men and women.
Hormone disrupting chemicals called “xenoestrogens” are found in many everyday products (soaps, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, sunscreens, detergents, makeup, perfume, cologne, plastics), as well as in conventionally raised meat and dairy products. These chemicals and hormones disrupt the normal function of our endocrine organs (thyroid, ovaries, uterus, testes, pancreas etc.) and contribute to acne, weight gain, cellulite, obesity, thyroid disorders, irregular periods, heavy periods, uterine fibroids, PCOS, infertility, gynecomastia or “man boobs,” metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or diabetes. It’s important to reduce exposure to these chemicals and support the body’s ability to properly excrete them.
Look for paraben-free, phalate-free, sulfate-free products or make your own non-toxic disinfectants/cleansers. Whenever possible, eat grass-fed grass-finished beef, pasture raised poultry, free-range eggs, wild fish/seafood, all without added hormones or use of antibiotics.
Test, don’t guess. Hormones fluctuate in response to many factors so if improving digestive, gallbladder, and liver function do not improve hormone balancing, then the next step is to evaluate hormone levels and ideally evaluate hormone metabolites (by urine) to see if the liver is able to break estrogen down into appropriate levels of estrogen metabolites and is not holding onto too much of the inflammatory estrogens that increase cancer risk and disrupt the normal balance of our hormones. A deeper dive may be needed to also evaluate adrenal health, inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, stress, sleep, etc.
DIM (diindolylmethane), Chaste berry (vitex), and Calcium D-Glucarate are a few examples of commonly used supplements that can support hormone detox and hormone balancing.
Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts), turmeric or curcumin, green tea, non-GMO flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, are a few examples of fabulous food sources that support estrogen detox and hormone balancing.
Why is my hair falling out?
Great question as this is so common. Work with your doctor or provider to identify root causes and personalize the diagnostic/treatment approach. Make sure to rule out a thyroid condition (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease, and check a full comprehensive thyroid panel). Also evaluate levels of inflammation and oxidative stress, which are common after a major acute infection, chronic infections, and after surgery or during times of major stress or trauma. Make sure to address any iron deficiency, and evaluate and correct any deficiencies of amino acids, protein malabsorption, mineral deficiencies, endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormone imbalances (high DHEA/Testosterone in women, high cortisol levels or adrenal imbalance), parasitic infections, intestinal permeability commonly known as “leaky gut.” Hair loss can also occur with a high toxic burden or major emotional stress as these are big stressors on the body.
What is your favorite detoxification protocol
For basic detox support, milk thistle, N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) or Glutathione as they are typically well tolerated and have few interactions or contraindications. A more comprehensive detox regimen needs to address each of the body’s main detoxification pathways–kidneys, liver, bile flow, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, lymphatic system, glymphatic system (brain/nervous system detox which occurs best at night when sleeping). This includes things like regular sweating (through exercise, hot yoga, infrared saunas or epsom salt baths), magnetic clay baths, dry brushing, lymphatic massage, and coffee enemas.
Is there a natural way to treat heartburn?
Always work with your doctor or provider to rule out any serious condition conditions that can cause heartburn. Food sensitivities are often a trigger, so start by removing gluten, sugar, dairy, soy and lower total carbohydrates in the diet as high carbohydrate/high starch foods often trigger or worsen heartburn. Over the counter remedy options include licorice root, marshmallow root, mastic gum, bismuth, oregano, broccoli sprouts. Don’t overeat. Avoid heartburn trigger foods (overly spicy foods, tomato, garlic, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, peppermint). Work with your provider to also ensure you do not have stomach acid levels that are too low which will affect bile flow and release of digestive enzymes which are needed for proper digestion and insufficient levels of can trigger heartburn.
Feeling better is possible... let's dive in and transform your health.
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